Friday, 4 September 2009

Duality (Genesis 8.22)

"As long as Earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night,
will never cease"
(Genesis 8.22)

The nature of this world is duality. Day and night may seem contradictory but actually is complementary. So is success complementary with failure. However, mans mind becomes identified with one aspect of duality and identifies and clings to it. The nature of things is duality and soon success turn to failure, inwardly or outwardly. Man not understanding the nature of this world becomes frustrated with change and tries to control his environment, only to stumble and fall as his understanding of life is separate to the true nature of the world, body and mind.

So with life comes death, with youth comes old age, seeing and realizing this apparent duality is nothing but different aspects of oneself is liberation from duality itself. Once we truly understand and experience our truth beyond duality, then even though we still live in a world of duality we will be able to not only accept lifes duality but see the oneness of our very self which transcends all, whilst being in all!

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