Monday, 24 August 2009

Relationships to Oneness

Relationships with others in the deepest sense is the discovery that others are non other than yourself. Relationships can be a mirror in which we can what we truly are, by seeing things as they truly are and not projecting images of what another is.

In reality there is no such thing as bad relations, bad or good relationships all appear to the dualistic mind, which projects a certain image of other according to their own expectations of that person and their own past. To go beyond a projected relationship which has no depth in it, we have to first become aware of our images we carry of the other and the image we project of ourselves to others. Realizing we are interacting as just mental images with each and other, we see we never really feel oneness with another.

The seeing of the other as a part of us, not separate no matter whether they are physically present or not is seeing true love and is what we all consciously or unconsciously long for. So how can we have relationships beyond just mentally projected images meeting one and another. First we have to explore our own mental projections, the nature of our minds.

Are our thoughts, emotions really us or are they just appearing in us due to social, genetic, and environmental influences.

Realizing we are beyond thought and emotions and we are the space in which thought and emotions appear, we automatically face ourselves from projecting our thoughts onto others. Being open in the moment with a person will give a healing space in which others may also be able to stop clinging to their own projections and expectations and instead share the moment with each other, not as an separate entity but seeing the complete unity in each other in this very moment. This very seeing is love and has a healing effect which calms and soothes all aspects of relations. Only by seeing the unifying depth of relations, can we become truly grateful in the relative aspects of relations with one and another be it close relatives, children, a stranger or nature.

Spiritual relations are relations in which the other has no mental blockages and doesn't expect or try to project his desires on the other. This type of relationship helps both persons come to a mutual and unifying space in which essence we are ONE. Spiritual relations can come from nowhere with anyone or anything and leave at anytime, but they never leave us as they touch the essence of what you are. We can now see the essence of our friend in the sky, as the birds singing, in the wind, in the warmth of the sun..his presence is eternal and always present in every situation and environment. This type of relation uplifts us and helps us spiritually progress to see what we truly are is the one that is in everything and everyone.

Now relations with others become a natural outlet for the overwhelming joy we carry inside. We can then share our happiness with anyone or anything at any spontaneous moment in time. We are no more projecting of how a relationship should be, but accepting the diverse aspects of the relationship however they are. No more demanding of love and attention from the other but acceptance and sharing of our happiness is the real divine play in this world and the highest expression of our human capabilities. I will post gazing techniques which can be done with a friend or partner and help to see the depth and being of others. This will be posted under gazing technique.

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