Saturday, 22 August 2009

Seeing life as a movie - Meditation technique

Let the attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed.
This technique helps us go beyond our unconcious identifications with our actions in the past, thoughts about them in the present and ultimately transforms us to see beyond our limited self.
Past happening of when you was a child, growing up, adulthood can be seen like a film happening in the backaground of the mind. Be a witness to the past and its identifications with emotions of joy, happiness, sadness, anger etc. within you. Let the past happening play like a film within you, releasing all past feelings and identifications with your past projected self.
Let all thoughts and emotions be witnessed without being identified with them. If you become identified with thoughts and emotions once you become aware return to just watching them like a film! Dont judge your thought or emotions, situations, people or circumstances. Just witness everything objectively, like a story. Spending time to see our past experiences and future expectations objectively we cleanse all identifications with past actions and emotions and allow the space for us to come to realize ourselves in this present moment.
See the you who has no personal story! Laugh at the drama of so called life, what a engaging, dramatized and illusory story the mind creates! Now living fully in the moment,float in the river of life!
Tips; many times in this techniique you may get caught in your personal story and lose the ability to witness your thoughts and emotions objectively. Whenever you become aware of this return to just witnessing. A good meditation technique to improve concentration and the ability to witnessing includes vipassana meditation, awareness techniques which i will be posting shortly.

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